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Sharipova Binusrat Babaevna

Education: 2004, Ph.D in Economics, Defended the Thesis on Economical Basis of the Medical Service Forming in the Republic of Tajikistan

Professional Experience:

February 2012 – 15 March 2012

Consultancy services to UNAIDS on costing of NASA report and UNGAS issues (HIV/AIDS) 

October 2011 – January 2012

UNICEF Consultant for cost benefit analysis (Young People Healthy Development,  Participation and HIV/AID)

August 2011 – September 2011

UN Women – Consultancy services – Costing of the National Action Plan on Gender Equality from 2011-2015 years

March 2011 – June 2011

UNDP/GFATM TB Control Project – Costing of the National TB Control Programme

December 2009-November 2010

WB Project "Vertical Functional Review of the Seven Ministries of the Republic of Tajikistan”/Ministry of Finance/Local Consultant

January – May 2010

NASA report and UNGAS issues

22 May 2009-1 January 2010

UNICEF, Dushanbe, Tajikistan
Consultant for cost benefit analysis (Young People Healthy Development,  Participation and HIV/AID)

April – July 2010

Cathalytic Fund FTI-2 (WB) Consultant on Finance issues on Functional review of the school teachers and directors retraining systems and system of methodological support

January – November 2010

World Bank Project on Functional Review of the Ministry of Finance, Expert

July, 2008 – October, 2008

UNICEF, Dushanbe, Tajikistan
Consultant for cost benefit analysis (Young People Healthy Development,  Participation and HIV/AID)

January, 2008 – June, 2008

UNICEF, Dushanbe, Tajikistan
Consultant for cost benefit analysis (including child’s rights in the Republic of Tajikistan)

November, 2007 – January, 2008

World Bank Tajikistan Country Office
Short Term Consultant, Public Sector Pay Policy - Data Collection and Analysis in Education and Health

September, 2007

UNDP, Dushanbe, Tajikistan
Consultant for Local Budgets Financing and Budgeting

May, 2007

UNICEF, Dushanbe, Tajikistan 
Consultant for Midterm Budgeting


In a tem with the international consultant contributed in developing the Government Policy "Concept of Health Reforms Management in PHCM Sector”, " Financing System in the Health Sector for the period of 2005 up to 2015”

1998 – Jan 2007

Head of Economic and Finance Unit
Ministry of Health of the Republic of Tajikistan

  • Health Financing Reform;
  • Analysis of financial and economic situation in the health care at the local, central and national levels, state budget performance reports (on monthly, quarterly, and annual basis);
  • Development of the strategic documents on health care financing (transition to per capita financing in the PHC and per treated case in the hospitals. 

1993 – 1998

Head of Social Sector Financing Department
Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Tajikistan

  • Development of the forecasting indicators in the social sector for local and national budgets, consolidation of the state budget parameters;
  • Analysis of the social ministries’ and institutions’ budget performance and allocation;
  • Budget planning for subsequent years at the local and national levels in accordance with the forecasting indicators and inflation and balance with the state budget. 

1983 – 1993

Executive Committee of Dushanbe Finance Department (various positions)

  • Preparation of packages of documents on budget planning for subsequent years;
  • Analysis of the situation and budget performance for previous years and in the course of the year (on monthly, quarterly, and annual basis);
  • Revision and analysis of the budget estimate in general and by organizations in particular;
  • Analysis of forecasting indicators and amending, if necessary, due to reduction an/or increase of number of new objects.