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Petroia Andrei 

  • 1998-2003 – Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova, Ph.D. in Finance, Money and Credit Thesis "Budget deficit in the Republic of Moldova and possible ways of its reduction” 
  • Oct. 1999 – Nov. 2000 – Center for Studies and Research on International Development, Clermont-Ferrand, France, M.Sc in Economic Policy Management with the internship at the World Bank, Washington D.C. 
  • 1987-1992 – Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova, Diploma with honour in National Economy Planning 
Membership of professional bodies: member of Consulting Council of the Court of Accounts of the Republic of Moldova; member of Management Board of the French Alliance in Moldova; General Director of "Francophone Framework – Moldova”; 
Chairman -CEO of the Association "Francophone Network -Moldova" created on the initiative of the French Embassy in Moldova, the "Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie", the French Alliance in Moldova and Business Club France-Moldova. 

Present position: Associate professor at the Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova, Director of the Center for Financial and Budgetary Consulting and Analysis 

Key qualifications: Andrei Petroia is a Public Finance Management Expert with 20 years of professional experience in Moldova of which more than 10 years have been focused on consulting work for technical assistance projects. Currently, he also holds the position of Associate Professor at the State University of Moldova where he teaches Public 

Finance Management and Local Public Finance. Mr.Petroia has substantial experience in budget formulation, execution of methodologies as well as in budget and fiscal policies gained first hand through his working experience in the Ministry of Finance of Moldova. He served as Head of the Operating Expenditure Section and Vice-Head of the Local Budgets Division where he participated in the elaboration of Moldova’s legislation in the domain of public finance and the auditing of budgets of public institutions and local administration budgets. Some technical projects of notable mention include his participation as Budget Expert for the Ministry of Education, his support in helping to build the capacity of municipalities in performance based budgeting and providing advice for the efficient organisation between cash management and monetary/debt policy issues between the State Treasury and the National Bank of Moldova, Central Treasury and Territorial Treasury. He has excellent 
training, teaching and capacity building skills. He is fluent in Romanian, Russian, French and English. 

Professional experience:
  • October 1997 – present – Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova, Faculty of Finance, Associate Professor, Department "Finance & Insurance”
  • September 2003 – present – State University of Moldova, Faculty of Economics, Associate Professor, Department "Finance & Banking” (part-time)
  • April 2011 – present – Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova, Center for Financial and Budgetary Consulting and Analysis, Director / expert in public finance
  • September 2011 – January 2012 – Hanns Seidel Fundation in collaboration with IDIS "Viitorul”, Trainer / expert in local public finance
  • August 2011 – Gender Responsive Budgets Project, in collaboration with UNWOMEN Moldova, Trainer in "Gender equality as necessary condition for socioeconomic development of the society”
  • December 2010 – Gender Responsive Budgets Project, UNIFEM Moldova in collaboration with Ministry of Social Protection, Family and Child, Trainer in "Gender budgeting”
  • February 2010 – February 2011 – UNDP Project in "Performance Budgeting concept in Local Governments operations in Moldova”, Expert on local finance, economy and performance budgeting
  • January – July 2010 – DFID (Great Britain) / Government of Moldova "Moldova: Ssupport to the Implementation of the National Development Strategy (2009-2011)” Project, ECOTEC/Ecorys, Local Budgeting Expert (for Ministry of Education)
  • January 2008 – December 2009 – Capacity Building in Public Accounting Project, Moldova, World Bank, CIPFA (London), CEF (Slovenia), Tutor, Author
  • January – May 2008 – Gender Responsive Budgets Project, Singerei, UNIFEM Moldova in collaboration with Ministry of Social Protection, Family and Child, Singerei Rayon Team Leader
  • February – July 2006 – Moldova Treasury Consolidation and Development Project (SOFRECO, EC Tacis project and MinFin, Moldova), Local Consultant
  • November 2004 – July 2005 – Institute of Applied Integrated Studies, Dean, Faculty of Economics
  • February 2003 – August 2004 – Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova, Deputy Dean, Faculty of Finance
  • May 2003 – World Bank project: Moldova Road Transport Restructuring, Local Consultant
  • February 2001 – December 2002 – International Institute of Management, Lecturer (part-time)
  • April – August 1998 – Auditing Company "Post-Audit Grup” Ltd., Financial Director (parttime)
  • March 1997 – April 1998  – Ministry of Finance, Vice-Head of the Local Budgets Division
  • February 1996 – March 1997 – Ministry of Finance, Head of the Operating Expenditures Section 
  • September 1995 – July 1997 – Humanistic Studies University Lecturer in Financial Law (part–time)
  • March – May 1993  – Peace Keeping Forces of the Republic of Moldova, Chief of Financial Service
Periodical international training workshops: 
  • Joint Vienna Institute, Vienna, Austria, Services Trade Reform: A Joint JVI-WBI Executive Course for ECA Countries, October – November 2011 
  • Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative of the Open Society Institute, Budapest, Course on "Intergovernmental Fiscal Relations and Local Financial Management”, July 2010. 
  • UCLG Decentralisation and Local Self-Government Committee, Barcelona Provincial Council International Relations Directorate with the UPC School of Professional & Executive Development, Online course on "Decentralisation and Local Governance”, December 2009 – March 2010. 
  • Academy of Public Administration of the Republic of Moldova’s President, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova, Course on "Public Finance Management”, January 2009. 
  • Academy of Civil Service of the President of Russian Federation, Moscow, Russian Federation, Course on "Gender Responsive Budgets”, March 2008. 
  • National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy, Kiev, Ukraine, Course on "Economic Theory: Innovative Instruction and Research Education”, April 2004. 
  • Institut fur Europaische Politik (Carl Duisberg Gesellschaft e.V.) in cooperation with the Institute for Public Policy, Chisinau, Moldova; Course on "Introduction to the EU structures", October 2002 – March 2003 (sponsored by the German Foreign Office (Auswartiges Amt) in the framework of the Stability Pact for South Eastern Europe). 
  • Dnepropetrovsk National University (Ukraine), Open Society Institute, Higher Education Support Program, Summer School-2002, Course on Government Regulation of the Economy: Financial Markets, Investments and Trade, June 2002. 
  • Academy of the Central & Eastern European Privatization Network, World Bank and Agency for Restructuring and Assistance of Enterprises of Moldova, Portorose, Slovenia: Advanced course on Enterprise Restructuring, June 1999. 
  • Institute for Financial Management and Research, Madras, India: Course in Advanced Financial Management, October – December 1996. 
  • Joint Vienna Institute with Economic Development Institute (EDI) of World Bank and Moscow State University, Moscow, Russian Federation: Introductory Course in Market Economics and Financial Analysis, September – November, 1995. 
  • IMF Institute, Chisinau, Moldova: Course on Macroeconomic and Financial Policies, May – June 1995. 
Publications in the domains of: 
  • budget deficit; 
  • budget and fiscal policy; 
  • gender budgeting; 
  • transparency in fiscal sphere; 
  • fiscal decentralization; 
  • health care and education systems financing; 
  • globalization & developing and transition countries; 
  • regional integration; 
  • sustainable development.