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Mukhabatova Soima

Profession: jurist

Place of the work: The Ministry of labour and social welfare of the Republic of Tajikistan Position: Head of department 

  • Ph.D. student – Tajik State University Dushanbe, 2010
  • Institute fir improvement the qualification of specialists of social protection Moscow Tajik State University Dushanbe, 1989,
Professional Experience:
  • 2007 – the present – Deputy of head of department of management of social protection of the Ministry of labour and social welfare the Republic of Tajikistan
  • 1997 – 2007 – Deputy of head of department of management of social protection of the Sino district
  • 1995 – 1997 – Specialist of department social services at home Khorog
  • 1989 – 1995 – Teacher of the secondary school NQ2, Rogun city
  • 1985 – 1989 – Student of the Tajik State University