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Makeeva Svetlana Bolotovna

Candidate of Economic Science, docent, manager of Finance Department of the Institute of Economic and Finance Kyrgyz National University under J.Balasagyn.

  • 1998, graduated the Kyrgyz State University, speciality "Finance and Credit"
  • 2003, graduated postgraduate of the Kyrgyz National University under J.Balasagyn.
Work experience: 
  • 1995-1998, The first assistant of Department "EPP"
  • 1998-2005, The lecturer of Finance and Credit Department of the Kyrgyz National University under J.Balasagyn
  • 2005-2010, The first lecturer of Finance Department of the Institute of Economic and Finance KNU under J.Balasagyn
  • From 2010 to now day docent, manager of Finance Department of the Institute of Economic and Finance, Kyrgyz National University under J.Balasagyn. 
Form of improving Qualification: 
  • 2000, IPPK under KSNU
  • 2006, KSNU
  • 2006, Fond of report educational initiation
  • 2010, The best lector in Kyrgyz National University
  • 2011, Turkey, Ankara
Science articles: 
  • The author of 22 publications, 2 of which are studying materials